Excerpts from Mike from Around the World.
February 15, 2025.
“This is only the beginning.” .. “I need you to really understand what’s happening with the weather. Really. This is not hype.” .. “This phenomena. These weather patterns. They’re spreading. They’re not weakening. They’re spreading. Soon there will not be a place you can put your foot that has no water.”
“There will come a time you will not be able to step on dry ground.” .. “This water phenomena. Everything is changing. The equatorial influences that we’ve been having around the Earth, they are shifting .. fast. Incredibly fast. What no one saw coming was these sudden shifts.” .. “The equator is still going to move. And that’s unfortunate.”
“Listen, I’ll put it this way. There’s going to be a time you will see the Moon rise 3 times in one night. You watch and see.” .. “You’re going to see it rise 3 times in one night.” .. “That will mean the Earth is not in the orbit it used to be in. We’re going to have some shakers. In other words, it will be as if something took hold of the Earth and removed it out of it’s stable orbit. That’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to have some major gravitational shifts within the planet itself. And the weather phenomena is just going to surprise everybody. It will.”
“Imagine Mexico under water. Do you think they’re ready for that?” .. “Do you think they’re ready to be inundated with massive floods? Do you think they’re ready for that?”
“Do you know what’s at the equator? Do you know how high the brim (of the water at the equator is?)” .. “The water at the brim of the Earth (at the equator) goes up about 13 miles because of the rotation of the Earth.” .. “Do you know what happens when the shift of the Earth, when the Earth begins to reorientate itself to a different influence of rotation? Do you know what happens?” .. “You’re looking at an incline of water that spans miles.” .. “That’s a whole lot of water.”
“Now, listen to me closely. When the influential axis of the Earth changes. All that water’s going to shift. That means that rim of the water is going to shift. It’s not going to be at the equator. It’s not. Now, it’s on the move, but it won’t be at the equator.” .. “It will take two and a half months for the water to settle. Because as it shifts your looking at land masses reorienting themselves. Geological mass is going to shift. Certain crevasses will open up, others will shut. You’re looking at a makeover of all continents.”
“I’m telling you the water is going to rise and you will not hear it. When that shift take place, it’s already on the move, and this influence comes, in an hour there can literally be 10 feet of water all around you.” .. “That means all coastal places are not going to be at the right place to be.”
“That means you take all maps and throw them out the window. All of them. Even the Navy’s map. Throw it out the window. That map only works if things are settled. It does not work when things are shifting. You can’t plan a safe place to go. Because the land masses are also going to shift. This is what we’re looking at.” .. “It’s not all going to happen at one time. It’s slowly starting right now. The weather is a tell tale sign.” .. “The warmth, the temperature of the water, the currents are changing. All this water that’s being tossed up in the atmosphere. It’s happening for a reason.”
“You’re looking at massive pressure changes in the atmosphere. If you have that volume of water shifting, the pressure of the atmosphere over certain continents is going to change. This will effect weather in a huge way. That’s precisely what we’re seeing. You’re seeing the North and South Poles melting. It’s being offset now. This is what you’re seeing. It is shifting. It’s not like you’re going to go outside and tell it’s shifting. But then when you see every bird fly until it dies, there’s going to be a problem.”
“So, I’ll say it again. There will not be a place on this Earth you’ll be able to step that will not have water. And do you know what happens after the settlement. There’s a type of suction event that takes place. That will cause it not to rain for at least 20 years. No rain for 20 years. At least 20 years. While the atmosphere is changing it will cause suction vortices that won’t allow it to rain. Clouds won’t be able to form.”
“This is what you’re not counting on. When the water shifts, animals shift, insects shift, crops die. You’re not going to care about money.” .. “This is what’s coming. It’s coming in your lifetime.”
– Excerpts from Mike from Around the World.
February 15, 2025.
Sounds like the prophecy of the Pole Shift.
“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” – The Holy Bible, the Book of Revelation 6:12-14
Much more to come ..
Credit: John Traczyk